Trouble switching to frozen
The brb girl my husband picked up off of Craigslist is crazy food aggressive. She'll eat live hopper mice with no problem but you have to leave her alone or she will strike at anyone/anything that moves. This makes me uncomfortable because I don't want her to get bitten, but I also don't want her hurting herself smashing her face into a wall. She's happy to 'try' frozen but I have the same problem. She'd rather bite my hand (even with long tongs) or strike at the wall. I've tried teasing her with a f/t and she goes into feeding mode but she won't take the mouse. She strikes at it defensively or strikes me. I've tried just leaving the f/t in there and she ignores it, even if I leave it overnight. I know it's not a big deal right now because they are hopper mice but I need to switch her to frozen eventually and I'm tired of getting bitten. She's docile when I pull her out to handle her, it's only when she smells food that she becomes a demon baby. I'm feeding her every 7-10 days.
1.0 Brazilian Rainbow Boa
4.9 BCI morphs (and counting!)
0.1 California Kingsnake