New girl from KY
Hello everyone. My name is Ashley and about three days ago I bought my first Brazilian Rainbow Boa. He was what I planned on getting and to be honest I
Didn't even know they existed, but the gorgeous pattern and color stole my
Heart the second I saw him. Silas (I'm not sure if I will stick with this name or not) has been very shy the last couple of days just hiding out underneath piles of aspen. I know that this is probably normal, but having never owned a brb before, every little thing is making me paranoid. I'm just worried that he isn't tapping into the water bowl. By his size, I'm guessing he is about a year old, maybe a little less. Stretched out he is about a foot long. I believe is isn't a morph either just a normal brb. I also haven't handled or tried to feed him since I brought him home. I thought maybe I'd wait a week or two to do so.
Ok, ok. I will stop rambling now. Sorry! But seriously, any advice at all will be highly appreciated.