Hi, after a couple of years of considering it I've finally decided to join the varanid world. I wanted a small monitor due to lack of room to house a sav properly so it was always ackies that I considered..
Well I came across some 6 month old speckled monitors and was fascinated with them. I got a good deal on price so me and my gf decided to make the jump.
I'm so glad I did, and will try to provide the best for this little guy..
Atm he's in a 4ftx1.5x1.5.. 2-3 inch of soil/sand at front built upto 6inch at the back.. 120-130 basking spot down to 76-80 cold end.. 50-80% humidity depending where you measure it.
I'm in the process of finding someone to build me a custom viv 3ftx2ft base and 5ft or so high.. That way I can offer 1.5ft of soil and decent climbing areas, within a planted vivarium..
He is very active and jumps around everywhere. He can also hold his body weight on his tail alone so I'm taking this as a good sign of health so far.
Any tips or advice is always welcome along with constructive criticism
I'm sure you'll want pics so here he is along with the (very temporary) setup.