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Old 04-02-14, 05:36 PM   #1
jennuhkins's Avatar
Join Date: May-2012
Location: CA
Posts: 160
questions on Cornsnake breeding

i haven't been on this forum site in a while. my snakes (Thor & Loki) have been doing very well. until now i wasn't sure if my normal corn was a female or male but since(Thor) has a shorter tail and is pretty fatty i assume that the corn is a female. and my anery corn i seen the hemipenis pop out a couple times so I'm going to assume (Loki) is a boy. I wasn't planning on breeding, but 2 weeks ago (Loki) wouldn't eat the week after that he still wouldn't eat. so i let Thor and Loki just "hang out" and slither ( first time i ever let them near each other or any other snake), and they started mating.
so the questions i want to ask.
1. are male snakes always 100% of the time on top?
2. when they are done, is it normal yellow goo comes out of the Thor female?while s/he lifts her tail up
3. is it normal for more than just the hemipenis to come out, i seen a big pink blob come out of Loki and it took him some time to pull it all up,
also with the female is it normal to push her cloaca out?

I let them breed now once every other day, and Loki got his appetite back, but i was concerned about the questions i asked. is all that normal for corn snakes?
I bought a incubator and a thermometer just in case Thor is a girl and shes pregnant.
Loki(Anery Corn),, Thor(Carolina Classic Corn),, & 5 awesome dogs!
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breeding, corn snakes, questions

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