Re: strange lump in chest area?
You're very welcome Shar. I understand what you mean, I get very attached to all my snakes too, even the deadly ones. Learning how to administer antibiotics is a very useful skill for any snake owner.
P.S. If the oral antibiotics don't fix the problem (I'm not a fan of oral meds for snakes; they have too strong a digestive system and degrade most of the medicine before it gets into the bloodstream), you can purchase Tylan from any Tractor Supply Company.
Tylan is a great, broad-spectrum, injectable antibiotic marketed for cattle. However, it works wonders in snakes as well. It's one of the very few that is effective against mycoplasm bacteria, does not have the tissue burning of Baytril or the dehydrating effects of Amikacin, and is very well tolerated. I keep bottles of both strengths (250mg/mL and 50mg/mL) on hand at all times.
It costs between $15-32/bottle and the dosage for snakes is 50-100mg/kg. I usually go with 100mg/kg. You inject using an insulin syringe (available over the counter in most states now or order from your vet) at a shallow 45 degree angle into the FIRST third of the body. Feel for the spine, then move halfway down the side of the snake's body, get the needle between scales and inject. You give Tylan every other day for 4-5 doses.
Dr. Viper