Hi snake enthusiasts,
I'm new to this form and I'm hoping to possibly introduce or bring more attention to a snake I've noticed not a lot of snake enthusiasts know about the "Dominican Red Mountain" boa. I was visiting my friend who is a snake breeder and noticed he had a new pair of snakes I had never came across. When i asked him about them he told me that he wasn't going to tell me about them at first but since I asked he would tell me. So he told me a little bit and that they were new to the market. So I went and did some research and saw how screaming/stunning they look as adults. So I got a pair of Red "Dominican Red Mountain" boas from Bob O out of New Jersey a few years back.
They're are very tame, docile and easy to handle. The adults stay around 5-6' on average so they are easy to work full grown.