New albino black rat snake (:
Meet Cortez (: I haven't taken him out for real pictures yet, so these are just a few cell phone shots from the day I got him... he has quite the story, and quickly has become one of my favourite snakes. He is so sweet and curious, and handsome! I haven't measured him, but he is easily 6 feet.
This one shows his colours true
He uses his tongue differently than how I've seen any of my other snakes use theirs... My other snakes flick their tongue quickly, but Cortez will slowly lick surfaces.
[Manny]LavAlbinoRetic [Cortez]AlbinoBlackRat [Honey]Corn [Tartessos]BorneoSTP [Snapdragon]GopherSnake [Candice]YellowConda [Cypress]SolomonIslandTreeBoa
[Ogden]Crestie [Apple+Kiwi+Raina+Nikolai]Leos [Manhattan+Sidney]Tokays [Bukra.Zealand.Mina.Jolene.Yoshi.Greta.Spanky.Maui]Canines ...and fish, turtles, tarantulas, guinea pigs...