Re: need information for my son any helep would be appreciated
thank u guys for ur concern....i have vets who specalize in snakes i can get ahold of if needed...when i meant funds r limited i meant i dont have 600 to go drop on snake and far as food my son s goin to be givin a year supply my freind breeds them and said no prob on helping with a good food supply...and yes he has researched it extensivly and so have we..its not something we have entered lightly...we have been researching balls for almost 2 years and have introduced him to freinds that have balls so he knows what to expect...he even reminds the owners when we go over to wash hands before and after...i appreciate the concern but yes we can take care of vet and food an the electric it uses...and we have researched extensively..a freind was goin to use sand for substrate my son chewed him oyut for 10 min on how it can get under the scales and cause problem and insisted he buy the approved subsrate ...preferably the cedar cuz it smells better..but thats his opimon..he even added to the reind they make a cork one that is similar to sand but safe for snakes u can get that instead.if u use sand i not speak to u ever no worries we have done our research on it..and have calculated in the costs of upkeep of a snake....