I was wondering what everyone’s opinion is on hotrocks/heatrocks. Do any of you use them? Has anyone had a herp get burned by one? I have recently read on the ‘net in several places that they should never be used because of the risk of burns. I have three books on snake-keeping that all say that a hotrock is a good idea. It gives the snake a place to bask and can aid in digestion. All three of my books were published in the late 80’s, early 90’s, so maybe opinions have changed? I just built two new viv’s for my new Red-Tail Boa and Coastal Carpet Python and I put ZooMed hotrock’s in the both of them. Was this a good idea? I certainly don’t need a cooked snake, although they don’t seem hot enough to burn. The box they came in said to put them in the cool end (away from a heat lamp) and that is exactly what I have done. I have recently returned to the hobby, but in the past we (my father and I) always used a hotrock in our many herp cages. We never had a snake (or iguana, or monitor) get burned. I actually don’t see my little girls laying on the hotrocks too much anyhow. Should I get rid of them? Keep them?
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
0.1 Colombian Red-Tail Boa
0.1 Queensland Carpet Python