The wife has finally toppled and given in to me extending our garage to make a dedicated snake room. As I live in the UK our garages are brick / block built and we don’t have the luxury of hot summers. Where I live, the summer months if lucky average between 18c - 24c, winters have been mild of late, 5c - 10c.
My plan is to fit a large sky light / velux window in the roof for the main room vent along with closing air brick vents incase of high temps and for good air flow, but its ambient room temperature that i wanted advice with. Would you guys recommend a greenhouse heater, on a stat regulator of course. Oh yeah, the room size will be 10ft x 11ft. Planning on having fitted racks against two walls and leave a wall free incase I fancy breeding sometime.
Still at the planning stage but wanted a clear picture of the route I want to take before plans are drawn up.
Any advice along with the heating would be welcomed