Decided to do a big trade and drove down to white plains to meet up. Got to hang out with the leapin leachies guys for the day and act like a vendor too, haha.
I picked up 1.1 Pachydactylus vanzylii, pretty rare in collections, I don't know many people with them and there is only like 2 pictures on google images lol They have back webbed feet and are very small species, I just don't have any pictures yet haha
I also picked up a few 'fillers' because the trade was like 500 dollars short on his end. He gave me one of his adult trios of tokays, the male is the biggest tokay I've ever seen, the size of a large leachianus. I also grabbed two of the babies they produced, which I probably won't keep. Anddddd 0.14 mourning geckos. 11 Babies and 3 adults with eggs in some of them. All the babies are kept together and its pretty fun to watch them haha.
Also managed to upgrade my ghetto rack with heat tape instead of heat pads.
Desert species on top, tropical in the middle, feeders on the bottom lol