For some reason I never made a profile for Draco. I've had him for almost 4 months now, and he's come a long ways.
When I first got him, straight out of the deli cup:
When I first got him, he would eat nothing but live fish, so he would get one or 2 guppies every 6 days. He would turn his nose up at earthworms and fish filet, and he was scared to death of the mice I tried to give him.
His first meal with me, with the poo he hung onto for a bit there:
He passed it a few weeks in:
About 3 months later, he finally began to take scented mouse parts!
His third meal of mouse was unscented.
He shed soon after, perfectly in one piece.
He is now taking them with gusto, and circles his tank when he smells the mouse thawing out. I can waggle it from the opposite side and he'll come right for it.