Update on my rescued BCC
This big guy came in to the local adoption ctr about 2 weeks ago, the owner said he was aggressive and nasty. I ended up taking him home.
I figured the original owner was not interested in caring for him anymore and probably did a poor job to begin with. He came to the centre without any temp or humidity measuring equipment, a very inadequate lamp, no heat mat, a small waterbowl. Kinda pathetic, tbh.
Since I got all the temps, humidity and other requirements up to par after taking him home, he settled in great after a few days, seemed much happier, I fed him, he has been nothing but the sweetest fella I've ever met. No trouble at all. Had him out about 4 times now. He's a very well-behaved boy.
So here he is, dressed up in his Sunday best.
Curator of Reptiles at a reputable zoo.