What does everyone think about rattlesnakes losing their rattles?
So, there are some stories circulating around about how people killing rattlesnakes has created a sort of artificial natural selection. Basically, people are going around killing rattlesnakes and we can't find the ones that don't rattle, so they live. I'm not inclined to believe this, but I'm interested in what everyone's opinion is. Also, general urban legends.
Some woman bought a jacket/coat from South America and went to the hospital from a venomous snake bite. How did this happen you ask? Apparently the woman bought a snake that was sewn into the lining of the jacket. Apparently it survived hours/days/months being sewn to a jacket, shipped to it's destination, driven cross-country to the store, the time spent in the back of the store, and the time on display. On top of that, the woman then didn't notice the snake? I've heard some crazy myths, but this one takes the cake.
The Snake in the Store - An Urban Legend
Saw this one on reddit:
Snake being pickled to create healing liquor awakens after 3 months and biteswoman | RocketNews24
Basically, a venomous snake survives being made into liquor and sitting there for 3 months before it bites a woman when she goes to get a drink.
And of course, everyone knows the story where the *insert random snake species here* measures out its owner and plans to eat them. I even heard a version where the snake "starved itself so that it would be able to eat them."
3.3 BI Cloud, sunglow Nymeria, ghost Tirel, anery motley Crona, ghost Howl, jungle Dominika - 0.1 retic Riverrun - RIP (Guin, Morzan, Sanji, and Homura - BRBs, Bud - bp, Draco and Demigod - garters)