Nasty Water Bowl
I have a waterbowl that is looking like it has some sort of chemical inside it. The water has a rainbow effect reflection in the light. I haven't seen my snake bath in it at all. I am just worried that something inside the tank or in the atmosphere is affecting the water. My other snake has a small waterbowl that I have to constantly refill and I haven't seen the same issue with it's. I am just a little worried about my snake drinking from this waterbowl.
I don't know if I have to clean the bowl more often, clean the cage more often, or what. The only new things that I have added to my room was a propane heater because the house's heater was down on 5 degree nights. I am going to do a full scrub-down tomorrow on both of my snake cages because it is getting time to do them. Maybe after that, I can calm down and see the results after cleaning the bowl. But if anyone would like to offer some suggestions on what might be causing the discoloration, please do.
0.1 Western Milk: Milkdud, 0.1 Desert Phase Cal King: Liouse, 0.1 Gopher Snake: Aphrodite, 1.1 Drysdale River Bearded Dragon: Franky and Titan, 0.1 Eastern Box Turtle NO NAME, 1.0.1 Broad-head Skink NO NAME, 0.1 Beta NO NAME 0.0.0 Spider Ball: (coming soon)