How long can a western hognose go without eating?
Its been 3 weeks since Lithir's last meal... again. He went three weeks without eating before and then he took one mouse finally, after that he hasn't taken anything. Its been 3 more weeks since that mouse.
How long can a western hognose safely go without eating?
His temps are all right, but he stays on the cool side of his tank every time I check on him. Its been humid in the house lately. Very humid. Its so humid that all of our walls are wet and our bed stays wet. Would the humidity cause him not to eat or is it just because its cold outside?
1 Western Hognose snake, 25 pet fancy mice (not including pups), 5 gerbils (not including pups), 4 degus, 2 pet rats, 2 Syrian hamsters, 5 cats, and 2 dogs