The UVB Varanid debate !
I'm sure there are already discussions about this, and most of us agree that its not necessary for a healthy monitor. Everyone I've talked to in our US community agrees, however our european counterparts look down upon us for not using adequate lighting and keeping our animals in small boxes (frequently said on FB groups)
Anyways, I now have a 48" 6500k bulb and a 48" zoomed reptisun 10.0 bulb, 2 x 65 watt basking spotlights and a 38 watt basking spot light. I have all of my old pictures and I have current weights for my little guys. I will compare new pics for coloration improvement (this is an effect of the UVB, more beautiful colors...apparently), differences in weight increase, appetite, breeding behavior (hopefully! since I haven't seen any yet) and posting it all in this thread.
Gonna try to give my unbiased opinion as to its benefits, I am of the opinion that it doesn't do much.
The bulb is 6 inches away from the basking area, and a few longs get even closer.