Something interesting I noted today
This is to do with varanids, but applies to everything. For those calculating how much the animal costs, and for a "start up" enclosure and just barely make that minimum and go ahead with the purchase, this is for you.
I started off in summer with a light fixture, 10 $ for my trough. It broke. Got another one: 10$. My bulbs didn't fit because the neck was too short, used the housing, bought a ceramic zoomed one to insert inside: 10$. 2 x 38 watt bulbs for summer, 10 dollars. Got too hot (no way to tell till you try), so I bought 48 watt bulb. 7 dollars. Now my 48 watt isn't enough for winter to keep ambients up for some reason, so I just bought 2 x 60 watts since they only come in packs of two.....10 dollars. I had to give my sister money for while I was on vacation for 2 weeks to get petco crickets...30 dollars. Now that I'm back and need feeders, I ordered a roach colony of adult breeders/nymphs...75$.
This is just for lighting trial and error/adjustments and food expenses in a month or two?
Total? 160 ish dollars
Just found it interesting when I realized how much I spent on those two simple things lol