How long till a pinky mouse goes bad
It is my first attempt at feeding my new desert king snake, interbreed with a speckled king a little I think. It is about 1 foot and I tried feeding it its first pinky today. I thawed it, wiggled it in front of Noodles with tongs, when that failed I brushed his body with the pinky and started to get striking then I tryed light taps on his head with the pinky and I got it to bite and hold for a few seconds but nothing more, he pooped and I could tell was just getting to be to stressed so I moved him to another smaller container put a hide in it and the pinky right in front of the hide, in side the container is about 74-76f sitting on top of the main cage for the heat, but I wanted to know how long I could leave Noodles in there with the pinky until it is considered bad and could make my snake sick.