too much condensation
Hi. I recently switched my BCI's to smaller enclosures (32 qt to 6 qt I think?) They are still very only about four and five months old so they're maybe 18"-30", so a 6 qt tub is perfect for them. Anyways, I put 12 (6 on both ends) holes. I think they're like 2/4 inch holes or something? Anyways, that works great for my other tubs but these ones are drenched.. Literally. My female BCI was soaked. I panicked and check both of them for infections like scale rot and stuff.. They were soaked.. I completely dried their tubs out, dried their hides, gave them new newspapers, and this time I didn't mist them. Within about 20 minutes the walls and top of their tubs are already foggy. How do I keep their enclosures from being so humid and keep them from having so much condensation?