Green Urates?
So I've been off this forum for about a year now. I've been wanting to get back on here and I figure this is a good reason too! I was spot cleaning my dumerils boa today and found what looks to be green urates. I found them along with white urates as well. I've never seen this so I have no idea if its normal or not. I've never had any health problems with her and she eats like a champ. I recently moved her into a 30 qt bin which is a little small but not to small to be detrimental to her health. We are moving over the next few weeks and I moved her into the rack so the house would show better (real estate agent's idea). Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated!
1.1 Nuclear KSB, 1.1 Chocolate KSB, 1.1 Anery KSB, 1.1 Albino KSB, 1.1 Snow KSB, 0.0.1 Caramel Ghost Corn Snake, 0.1 Dumerils Boa, 1.0 Greek Tortoise, 0.1 Texas Spiny Lizard, 0.1 Leucistic Axolotl