ball python feeding ?
Hi I have a almost three foot ball python I have had it for 7 months and its never bitten or hissed or been aggressive at all I have been feeding it the little white mice I know everyone doesnt agree with live feed but mine eould not eat frozen and after a month of not eating I tried live small hoppers and he ate now I feed him two or three times a week dont get mad at me but im not really totally educated on snakes and had wanted one gor a long time and this one was at a pet store marked way down so I hot him or her they were m t very educated on snakes either any wsy last night it bit me for the first time right after it ate it was my own fault I was not paying full attention and didnt pay attention that he was still tensed up when I went to put him back in his enclosure my question is after reading last night on this sight im doing alot wrong do u really need a night bulb I have under heat on all night and should I feed him more then one mouse because I read also here that he dhould have a buldge after eating and mine never does u cant even tell he ate and spraying the enclosure with water to keep moist didnt know that either so how much moister does he need thanks in advance please let me know what u think