I landed my first educational presentation due at the end of the week. All I have to offer is 2 baby boas and a leapord gecko. It is a smale group of kids ranging from grade 2-4 my G/F's little cousin wanted to borrow my boas to do the presentation and I said he would need written permission from his principal b4 bringing any animals. Anyways I also called the principal and he wants me to do the presentation instead.
Anyways,I am not a genious with reptiles and was wondering if some of you pro breeders would like to shed some light on some cool facts that may amaze a bunch of 10 year olds.
Also if there is any one that may like to donate an animal for the little presentation..it would be greatly appreciated. I live in the ottawa region so if any of you would like..i would like to show them a burm or something that is quite large.
Thanks! Chondro Python