I was wondering if someone could take a look at this and give me an opinion.
Zoomed in a bit
The only way I can think to describe the look in person is an under cooked piece of oatmeal, but obviously red. This showed up maybe 3-5 days ago, I figured it was just a pigment abnormality, but it's gotten worse. You can see a what appears to be another one appearing not far behind it. I've touched the spots, firmly, it doesn't appear to be providing any discomfort. The snake isn't acting weird in any way, eats like an ox. Does anyone know what this is, how to treat it? I thoroughly trust the this board, and would appreciate any input. If no one here can help me identify what this is or what to do about it I will have to get her to a vet Monday or Tuesday. So please if you can assist - I'm all ears.
Hot side: 84.2
Cold side: 76 - At night this might hit 70 at the lowest
Humidity 40-60%
Thank you for looking!
- h3