Avoiding Asymptomatic IBD Carriers
Having one of those paranoid moments, but sometimes I wonder if Lazarus (my rescued BCI) could be one of those asymptomatic carriers. From what I understand boas can be asymptomatic carriers while the disease always kills pythons.
Lazarus is about 40 days into his 90 day quarantine.
His abscess has been drained and dealt with, and no mites anymore so far either. He sheds on his own in one piece (sometimes a smaller head piece due to scars and stitches) and seems to be able to crawl, strike and constrict no issues. He only goes to the bathroom in his water dish so it can be difficult to see if his bowel movements are firm/normal as the water breaks them down---but there's absolutely all three (urates, urine and feces) parts.
He doesn't flip himself over or stargaze or wobble around uncontrollably. He slithers around normally
He *DOES* however sometimes sway a bit/wobble/twists/flop a bit if he arches up and attempts to look/climb upwards without support etc, or if I am lifting him by his tail say up from inside his enclosure for that few seconds before I support the rest of him he seems to thrash/wobble. But he looks more unsteady/uncoordinated or like he's freaking out then spasmes or being disoriented. Sorta like he'll wobble once/twice and then correct himself.
He can turn over and eats no problem either.
However he DOES NOT (to my knowledge) spasm, stargaze, roll, twist, flop or corkscrew or do anything weird at rest or just cruising by himself. He's perfectly capable of slithering around and sitting perfectly still.
Still, it makes me nervous.
Is there a reliable blood test etc than can be preformed? (My understanding is there is a new blood test but am not sure if its reliable or available in Canada yet)
My other snake is a BP (in the back bedroom) and we've got a new BP in the house being quarantined in the last separate room in the house.
Last edited by Spirit_Scale; 09-04-13 at 09:28 PM..