Hate to brag BUT..
Guess what, well today my herp show came early, today I was GIVEN FOR FREE a gorgeous anery cornsnake, witha 33 gallon tank (looks like it), heat lamp, pad, hides all the worksfor it.
about three and a half feet long- 4 feet long seems to be very docile (had it out for a bit).
Not sure what sex it is but looks to be female.
Anybody up in probing at the show tomorrow to give me a definate sex (no probes+don't know how, all I know is how to POP, and it's way to old for that.)
anyways, it's in quarantine as we speek, searchin out it's new pad...
JEALOUS YET...hahaha
she (hopefully), would be a great adition to the collection (makes 8 snakes now, 6 corns, 2 BP's)
so anyone want to probe it for me at the show, I'll be there at open
will have pics of the new corn soon
thanks for reading and becoming jealous, FREE corn=sweeeeeet
(CornBall Reptiles)