Originally Posted by robin budd
This is my first day on this forum and I came a cross your thread. I have to say I've read every post and look forward to the continued updates. If I hadn't watched the videos my self I would have call pier, but you sir have a God among Turtles. I currentlyhave 2 in my possession1normal 1 pastel, both males of about a year and a half old. I keep them in a outside pen with the rest of our rescued turtles. I love them to death and would never part but no way in this world would I put my hand in front of there face. They are faster that my Nile Croc. My hats off to you. Very few people would have the insight to recognize his gentle nature. I look forward to the continued sagaof tank.
Have you ever considered writing a children's story about tank? That's one way of getting his story out there with out the media twisting it around for there own agenda.
You have a nile croc?
I have to admit, I'm not big on turtles but this thread is something 'different' from what most posts on this forum are about. Its definitely intriguing to read about tanks antics. If you didn't have picture / video proof I wouldn't have believed most of it either. Cool thread for sure.