10.0 toothless
your basking area, or the lights, should be adjustable, so that you can maintain the correct tempreture on the surface - then use the recomended specs that come with the UV light to positition the UV light
Originally Posted by murrindindi
Hi again, can you please give details of the ages the different species reach in the wild so we can try and get a few comparisons?
In your experience, how old were "they" at death in captivity when fully supported (even without UVB, which you say is essential)?
I suspect that most monitors in the wild do NOT live to any great age (for a number of reasons).
15 years in captivity is considered old, 40 year old specimens found in the wild. do your own research, its all there to be found.
Of course most monitors do not live to a great age, this is true for all animals, including humans, most die far younger than their potential, and why is that?

bad diet, lack of exercise, various cancer causing habits, changes in habitat and habits...etc