08-10-13, 12:42 PM
Join Date: Aug-2011
Age: 62
Posts: 1,802
RANT JerryTheSnakeman & Geralo at Large
Our interview was cancelled due to a higher rated story. Here is the email that was sent 3 hours before we were to meet with the car being sent for us.
Re: Geraldo at Large Interview Info
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Good Morning Jerry,
I'm so sorry, but I'm going to have to cancel our interview today. There's a lot of breaking news which we have to cover instead.
I'm so sorry, but I hope we can reschedule for another time.al
I would like to thank Geraldo at Large people for wasting my time and money to do them a favor. And on a second note, it is not professional to send an email 3 hours before you are suppose to be picked up to cancell. A phone call should nave been made as to make sure we knew that the show was cancelled and were not waiting like idiots for the car to arrive. Then I had to make calls to find out what was going on, to hear they sent an email. Sorry, but I don't check my emails every hour all day long.