Need some help.
So I have been doing a ton of research on Savs. The problem is, my parents think I'm going to get a incredibly aggressive monitor. I know they are aggressive as babies, but from what I've read and researched, with the proper training and handling, they calm down. I have read countless posts of owners here and many say they have never been bitten by their Sav, and others say they've been bitten once or twice because they were mistaken for food: but never as a sign of aggression. I'm getting a baby so I can tame it and teach it to trust me. I'm confident that I will make it calm down. I want one simply because I think they're amazing and don't plan on handling it very much once it has gotten use to me and is generally calm and tame (I will hold it every once in a while so it doesn't turn wild again). The problem is that my parents believe it will bite my hand off and eat my dogs and full grown cats. I'm sure it could definately harm my cats and dog, but eating them is not likely (my pets won't see my Sav as it will be in a separate room, but my parents are scared it is going to escape and eat my pets). I haven't heard of a Sav eating a dog or cat (5-20 lb cats and a 20 lb dog?) I suppose it could eat my kitten if it wanted too... If they have eaten dogs, cats, or kittens, please inform me. I need you to help me convince my parents that they aren't aggressive when trained appropriately. If I have been misinformed and they are aggressive no matter what, please let me know and I will research more. Thank you for reading.