07-29-13, 03:09 PM
Join Date: May-2013
Location: Bristol
Posts: 48
New possible baby?
So my neirbour breeds snakes for non-profit and sells them to friends locally to me, and one of his babies got reserved for a decent person (I knew off) but because they recently got evicted from their house don't even know if they want this little guy anymore.
Its been at least 1 week, (meant to discuss to me about buying them a set-up etc and would pay me back) but by my Neirbours understanding shes actually been avoiding us! So my neirbour said give it another week and if not you can have him/her XD !!
I cant say no to this guy! he has already one my heart, when this morning (early as 8am I think it was) I got up, and he was out side his hatchling tub ¬¬. the little critter was curled up outside his box just looking at me wish I took a pic it was priceless but knowing how fast they are I obviously went to pick him up before he wanted to leap as you know.
I love doing people favours but when an animal misses out on a home for it :/ not good, let me know what you guys think; I'm gonna give it another 2 weeks I think because I call him a name officially just in case
P.S I will in deed get some better photos !