We have a new Savannah Monitor
I purchased it for my sons birthday. I had no idea how off the pet store owner was. He gave us an aquarium that is worthless. it doesn't hold heat and I for the life of me can't think of a way to create humidity in one side with such a small cage. Crusher is only 8 inches long is it to early to build him an enclosure? I'm thinking of building a dual layer wooden enclosure with 1" foam sheet (foundation or stem wall) insulation in the middle. The question I have is this; can I build a fiberglass insert for the substrate digging area or should I use tempered glass along the entire bottom and sides to keep it clean? I'm thinking about making the cage two layers so the substrate area will be about 20" deeper than the rest of the cage I'm also planning on building it with a removable or hinged top for cleaning purposes. Do you think that is a bad idea or will it work well? Thanks