Re: Meet Lazarus (rescue)
Aaron, if I need to, if there are eggs lying around and there is a second outbreak, then I will step up my methods. But I would first like to try something as snake friendly as possible.
Diluted or not, the fact that there have been fatalities and damage makes me hesitant to use it in a scenario where
A) The mites are not heavily established nor had they had time to breed. The snake was put right away into a clean tank that had been treated, and the snake was treated as well. Immediately nine times out of ten any mite I saw or came off the snake was dead. To me, this suggests that in combination with the low numbers of mites and the fact that they hadn't had time to colonize the tank that they would not have ample time to breed.
B) I treat, disinfect and wipe down the cage daily.
Which suggests to me that drastic methods are not called for.