Originally Posted by RandyRhoads
Nope i'm the only Paramedic who's never witnessed a panic attack or seizure.
Here we go.

That has nothing to do with them missing each other. If your snake is doing that something is wrong with it.
I'm not trying to be an A hole. I like to joke, don't take it personal, but somethings up with er...that....
You're right. There is something wrong with that. It's separation stress. I didn't say they 'missed' each other.
Everyone knows snakes don't feel like that ~dripping sarcasm~. (Don't get me started on that, let's just agree to disagree because that's a stupid flame war waiting to happen, and Randy, I've already established I like you. I really don't want to not like you because of a disagreement) Don't take it personally, but you haven't seen these snakes and you haven't seen every case in the world by any means. I'm not saying your opinion isn't valid, but I can already tell you you're wrong. These snakes have been seen by several vets now who, after not only having the behaviour described but watching the behaviour themselves, they explained it as stress induced by separation. The change in the norm (the norm being with the other snake) is too jarring for them and was described as making them feel vulnerable.
If you want to disagree, that's fine, I really don't give a hoot. The animals have been seen by multiple long time experienced vets who are professionals and know what they're doing and aside from the 3 problems being fixed (Or have already been fixed)(RI, emaciation, mouth rot injuries), they're fine.