Originally Posted by Abraxxos
"I will admit, I do not know anything about training cats;..."-Dog Trainer
"I already stated that I do not train cats. I am just offering you to allow you to understand my training methods with dogs because you felt so inclined to shout that it was abuse, when it is not even remotely.
And you are contradicting yourself, repeatedly." -Dog Trainer
It is difficult to train a cat. I know. I've done it. However a cat, especially one being bullied can be trained to go to another room. You can't be lax on training though. You can't stop at oh he finally figured out the trick. You have to be consistent and monitor everything. I know. I had several cats growing up. I had a young male black cat named Howler who had been with us for a while before we brought home Daisy a 13 year old rescue. Daisy decided our household was a matriarchy and didn't like Howler whom had been the previous holder of dominance/power in the home. I trained him that my room was a place to go to when he was annoyed or Daisy got near him. Daisy was trained never to go into my room. Problem solved. Just because something is difficult does not mean that it is impossible.