I've been having trouble with my albino Honduran not eating. He ate well the first 3 weeks then he regurgitated, probably because I fed a larger mouse than he was used to. So I waited a few days and fed him a hopper. After that he showed no interest in food. I bought him from a breeder so I think he was brumated before I got him. I know males go off food during mating season so I weighed him every week to make sure he wasn't loosing to much weight. He lost 16 grams through the 7 missed feedings. He finally ate a hopper a weeks ago, but refused to eat again this week. He only comes out once or twice a week to drink and almost never sits in the warm area of the enclosure. I have been putting him in a separate enclosure to eat lately because he wont come out when I put food in for him. What should I do at this point?
Enclosure specs:
- 30 gal wide
- Reptibark bedding
- UTH on thermostat set for 77*F
- Cardboard hides
Dates fed:
- regurgitated 4/7
- successful feed 4/10
- didn't eat but offered mouse weekly
- successful feed 6/20
- Unsuccessful feed 7/2