How to humanly euthanize a pinky?
Hi, everyone. I just got a new corn snake, and I plan on offering food soon, however, I don't want to feed live. Pet Smart sells frozen but it is about 40 minutes away and the closest pet store only sells live pinkies. How do I humanly put the little guy down before I feed him to my snake? I am going to euthanize it, freeze it, and thaw it. So any 'nasties' the pinky might be carrying are gone by time I feed my snake. I have had one snake pass away due to poor care on my part, so I have been very careful with everything I do with/for my other snakes. I don't want that happening again, so I am sticking to F/T strickly. Btw, I don't know if anyone saw the pictures of the corn snake, but he's about three feet long. does the "feed 'em food as round as the largest part of their body" rule still apply for him? He's very thin, unlike my Python. So I just don't see a pinky being filling enough for a snake of his/her size. I'd say a pinky is about the size of the largest part of his body. I am going to take him with to the pet store down the road so I can compare and get the best food for him. Anyways, thanks for your time.