Turtle IDs
Hi again all,
Thanks for all your help with the Costa Rican lizards. I've got a few more of those, but first I thought I'd throw out the sum of my collection of unidentified turtles and see if anyone can help.
1) A Kenyan turtle, found in Amboseli National Park in the southeast part of the country.
2 & 3) Indonesian turtles - The better photo is of a much bigger turtle, but I suspect they may be the same species. They both were in the same stream.
4) Also near Sian Ka'an in Mexico, I've had this alternately as a green or a loggerhead. Guide said it was a "Mexican Sea Turtle", but I don't think there's any such creature.
5) The hardest of the lot, and one I don't have much hope of ever IDing. It was a VERY big sea turtle off Sian Ka'an in Mexico (south of Tulum). I know the photo isn't great, so I'm hoping the massive size and the big round shell is enough to go on.
Thanks again for all your help!