Hey guys. I was wondering what size I should actually be feeding Magenta right now. She's currently a month and a week old. I've been/plan on feeding her a rat pinky every 5-6 days... but... I came upon a thread on another forum saying to feed 2 rat pinkies every 7 days, so I might switch to that. Ever since I got her her skin looks kinda of loose but it has tightened up a bit, I was guessing it was because she was essentially a newborn when I got her.
But then I was browsing Youtube and came across this video:
Red Tail Boa Feeding!! - YouTube
Magenta is pretty much the exact size of that snake right now, it looks just like her, it's kinda creepy. Anyways, I was wondering, should I ACTUALLY be feeding her rats/mice (f/t of course) that big?? It looks huge :O
The pinkies I'm feeding her right now do seem a tiny bit small... like a little less thick than her around?? I'm confused. Should I just start feeding her fuzzies?
P.S. Attempt number one went down this morning. My dad is freaked of snakes and woke me up because she was outside of her terrarium. My fault. I forgot to lock the top down because I held her right before I went to bed and was groggy
So glad she didn't get far and I was able to put her back and lock it down.