NOT EATING - 6months and running
I acquired a constrictor around Christmas and she has not eaten a meal in my entire time of ownership. She is 4ft long unidentified type. She lives in an enclosure 4ft by 18" by 24". She has Cypress substrate, large water bowl for lounging, a hide and a climbing branch. Heat is 85 during day and around 75 at night. Humidity is around 80%. I am pretty sure I have all the parameters correct. I have tried frozen and live mice. Regular size, pinkies and fuzzy's just in case the size was intimidating. The live mice will crawl around her, climb on her and she just doesn't care. Dead, she will slink up to, give a flick of her tongue and retreat. I am not sure what to do. She has voided about 10 times and the stool is just runny with what sometimes looks like matter mixed in. I know snakes can go a while without a meal, and she may have needed to get used to her surroundings but I am extremely concerned I am going to lose her. Obviously she ate prior as she is 4ft long already. Any suggestions?