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Old 05-22-13, 01:47 PM   #1
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Living Gems Breeding Update, Part 1

This month Living Gems gives a mid-season update on its breeding progress. We have four pairs and one trio this season, for a total of six possible litters. We will cover two females each week over the next three weeks; this is the first post in the series.

First up is the Scarface-Almandine pair. Both parents were born in 2008, and neither has had a litter before. The female weighed 2382 grams at the start of the season.

Successful Date Night (November)

Progress so far is as follows:

1109 Introductions
1111 Shared hide, clear tail wrap. Scarface wastes no time!
1117 Shared hide, intertwined but no clear wrap
0111 Shared hide, probable wrap
0119 Scattered urates, but unsure which female left them
0412 Almandine begins lying on heat

Looking Plump (April)

As of now, Almandine has been on the heat for almost six weeks. Her weight has hit 2491, an increase of over 100 grams, and she looks chunky. She hesitated before feeding at her last meal, which is unusual for her. Status: very likely gravid.

Second up is the Scarface-Onyx pair. Both parents were born in 2008, and neither has had a litter before. The female weighed 2240 grams at the start of the season.

Sperm Plug (January)

Progress so far is as follows:

1116 Introductions, one week later than the first female
0113 First shared hide, contact unclear
0119 Scattered urates, but unsure which female left them
0121 Shared water bowl, he actively seeking lock
0128 Shared water bowl
0129 Sperm plugs in water bowl
0211 Courting behavior from the male – following her, rubbing his head on her, etc.

There was additional hide and water sharing several times, but no confirmed locks that I witnessed.

Shared Water (January)

On the plus side, Onyx recently moved to the hide and settled on the side near the heat. She also looked chubby during the last weekly cleaning, and is with a male that provably knows what to do. On the negative side, her weight has fallen slightly to 2198 grams, which is a very slight loss (less than two percent). She is also still feeding. Status: uncertain.

We will pick up next week with pairs three and four.

Thank you for reading,
Cliff Earle
Living Gems Reptiles
Premium Brazilian Rainbow Boas from a disease-tested facility
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