Is she shedding too often?
I adopted Juliet in January from a guy who was selling her online. Shes's my first snake, actually my first reptile as well. She's a 4 year old Ball Python. I don't know if this matters but she's 4ft3.
Within a month of getting her, she shed her skin, it came off in pieces and I ended up giving her a bit of a soak (according to specific instructions) to get the remaining bits off. She was happy and looked great for about a month. March came and she stopped eating, then around the end of March, she shed again, this time with no problems and mostly in one piece. She continued to not eat which I understand is normal for snakes in the spring. I finally got her to eat on May 1st and took her out tonight for the first time since before she ate. Her skin is dull and her eyes are clouded over, obviously she's going to shed again and I know they're not supposed to shed this often.
I'm very attentive to her needs and I always ensure she has the ideal environment, or at least I thought I did. Am I doing something wrong? Is it too damp, or too dry? Too warm or too cold? Does it have anything to do with her not eating?