Re: Sad-Angry
I work in a pet store and I am proud to say we have a good deal. I dont know how petsmarts across the country work but our.individual store takes great care of our animals. We can refuse sale to those not willing to put what is necessary into the pet they want and we are contracted with a vet so that any animal that does end up sick or injured gets soon as its noticed.
I pride myself in my job and my ability to enlighten people about what could be their perfect pet.
That being said we are a chain store who can afford to do that. Small pet stores cant do what we do nor can they offer ours.nor.can they afford our number of employees. What bothers me is that I am cleaning up the local pet stores messes.all the time. The lack of information given to customers is ridiculous. I have ended up with I dont know how many turtles due to them being sold cheaply to someone and then that someone comes to petsmart wondering why their turtle wont eat. and the said someone has no heat source or uvb/uva lighting. The.tank is tiny and unfiltered. And when I tell them what it needs they just go "well I dont want to pay that. what do i do just leave it in there to die." and I tell them I will take them.
Its ridiculous and small pet stores are in it for.profit. they may love their pets but in the end they view the animals in stock as simple merchandise. Their.snakes (including some of their venemous display animals) hace mouth rot, the lizards are wastig away, the guinea pigs have ringworm or respiratory issues, the monkeys cages are nasty and the birds have mites.
They also know most people walking into.their store are ignorant of some of these smaller ailments and wont catch on untik their animals a
Last edited by sarah22992; 04-27-13 at 11:01 PM..