Theory on shed aid, do you think it would help?
Of all my snakes, my ball pythons always have bad sheds or explosions with some retained skin. I have humid hide, give them baths during the 3 days prior to actual shed and still, my balls never shed properly so it got me thinking.
I use body lotion to easy my dry skin and keep it moisturized. Could something along those lines be used for a snake??? I would think that finding natural moidturizing ingredients (like glycerine) or a very natural moisturizer without perfumes or dyes and that all the ingredients are contained are safe.
Let's say I mix a solution of 1 or 2 teaspoons of the moisturizer in a bottle of water and spay my snake during shed phase. Do you think it would help?
I would think that having a light watered down version would prevent the skin being congested and still breathe properly. Wouldn't be too hard on the snake and safe to spray the head region. And most of all, would help keep the skin moisturized for an upcomming shed.
I am not planning to test this theory anytime soon but am very interested in getting your opinion.
Keeper of 5 snakes, leopard geckos, 1 green iguana, 20+ tarantulas, 2 dogs & a bunch of rats!