Loud noise kill monitors
Hi all,
I'm really close to start my new enclosure. But I have been struggling with a problem.
In order to build the 8x4x4 tank, I need to saw off some built in shelves that are attached to my house walls. Those shelves are right next to my current monitor tank. So I have 2 options.
1.) Saw it
2.) Move my monitors somewhere else in a bucket or something, then saw it
The problem I'm facing with Option #1 is that I don't know if the monitors will get freaked out by the wood sawing noises(jig saw or chain saw against wood) and die or get sick
The problem with Option #2 is that they will have to be moved to a bucket, then back to the current cage, then when finally my new cage is in place, moved again, which can also cause stress.
So which option would be better?