Leopards Apetite
To Whomever,
I need some advice. I recently purchased a young female Tangerine Gecko born around Sept 2002. (see my Avatar)
She does eat but does not aggressively hunt like my normal coloured brown spotted Geckos. I have only had her for two weeks.
My questions to you are, is she still getting to used to her surroundings and will pick up her apetite soon in the future, or are the Tangerines more finicky about eating than the regular Brown Spotted Leo Gecko varieties, and do not eat as aggressively? I hope she will start hunting crickets more aggressively. She loves live pinkies but I can't feed her those too often. She is in a 20 gall aquarium hot end 88F cool end 80F
during daytime and just a Zoomed Under the Tank Heater at one end at night. Cool end at night 74F. She of course has fresh water, calcium dish and daytime hide and moist hide.
Your advice much appreciated,