Originally Posted by smy_749
Every mammal (exclude pinkys) that has bones, will provide the necessary vitamins, including calcium. I believe shrimp shells, egg shells, and some other stuff provides this as well. If your feeding whole prey, the general rule is you don't need to supplement. d3 if you are feeding insects or whatever.
And some places say 60% humidity is ok, on the assumption that you have the proper substrate and they are able to simply go down and regulate that way.
Pinky mice are low on nutrition because they have very little protein and the bones aren`t formed, fuzzy mice are much better, just cut them in half along the length if too big to swallow whole (do that before defrosting, it`s much easier)!
There`s no specific level of humidity, you need to provide a range, obviously it will be lowest around the basking area, perhaps only 505 or less, but that`s fine so long as there are areas where it`s significantly higher (such as in the burrows/cooler areas where it`s well over 70%).