Originally Posted by nepoez
No the burrows are like 75(due to the tank being in the basement) but above ground it's now 84F, whereas it was 75 very lowest before.
ok, I will change to low wattage halogen, But I need more advise before this switch...cuzz night time temps will drop(I'm in canada) without the light and I'm not sure I should keep the lights on all night, so once night time comes and lights turn off, without the CHE the cage will be too cold.
It`s o.k, so long as the coolest ambient (air) is around 75f in the hides/burrows. The problem with the 150w CHE in particular is it`s drying out the air (lowering the humidity) during the day when the monitors are active (obviously it will rise at night when the basking bulb is off, and they are resting in their hides). Providing there are always cooler, darker places to retreat to, it`s fine to keep the heat/lights on 24/7 if you wish (or at least `til the warmer weather comes).