Foreign bacteria/parasites
OK so ...sorry for the large amount of threads I've been making, trying only to do it if I think of an unrelated topic.
Heres the question: I assumed that taking stuff from outside needed to be sterilized, but I was informed that its not neccessary and the monitors immune system is able to handle it, and they are wild animals, nobody sterilizes the logs in the wild etc. which I get. My question is, isn't it possible that they don't have the capability to fight off bacteria which is foreign to them (i.e from New England, USA, not Africa or Australia or w.e) and even in their own natural environment, isn't there stuff that can cause death/harm such as ticks/serious infection or even a toxic species of insect that they ingest that we DONT want to recreate in captivity? I don't mean all bactera and parasites, but the possibility of a few..