Apparently this is the only species of varanus in Jordan, from the Petra/Wadi Rum area of Jordan. I visit Jordan 2 or 3 times a year, however I have never been to Petra/Wadi Rum because it is about 5 hours from the capital, and scorching heat in the middle of nowhere (check the pic). Normally, I just check around closer areas to the capital, I havent seen any snakes but some of the stuff I've seen include various species of agamids (all over the place), LOTS of skinks, frogs, lots of gecko species, and a chameleon species that I can't honestly remember the name of. Anyways, back to the topic, does anyone have experience working with these? They apparently inhabit a pretty large area, going into Egypt, Saudi, and wherever else. Will be going to Jordan this May after graduation

and would like to go to wadi Rum and petra and take pics of my adventure this time.
They have really beautiful pattern, and seem to be a medium sized monitor, is there a reason why they aren't readily available?
Also forgot to mention, was on a picnic, and the sun went down. To my delight, I found a camel spider crawling up my buddies leg, about 6 inches long. Never saw one before in the wild, and my excitement didn't last as he preceded to pulverize it with a rock haha